The fabulous
Sacaton June has tagged be for "Six Random Things About You." Thanks my dear!
1. I rarely listen to music made after 1977. If I do it's most likely Coldplay, Flaming Lips, Jenny Lewis, or my hubby's music.
2. One of my favorite foods is lima beans.
3. I've never been out of the United States except for going to Canada for a day.
4. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister.
5. The sport I'm best at is swimming...
6. but you won't catch me out past my waist in the ocean.
The Rules:
Link the person who tagged you
Post the rules on your blog
Write six random things about yourself
Tag new people at the end of your post
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Let the tagger know when you post is up
I think this is such a fun tag that I would like to tag anyone who wants to do it. :o)