Here we are getting ready to begin a brand new year! I thought I'd share with you some of the big happenings in my life over the last year. I'm not the first blogger to this, but it's such a darn good idea! So, here we go...

Last January through May, Jonny and I were still living in Maine. It was a tough time for me. I was quite sick, but alls better now so no worries! It was also one of the coldest winters I've ever experienced. Being stuck inside wasn't all bad though. I got back into sewing and discovered how much I enjoy it.

Then came May and I moved back to my home state of Maryland. I was closer to family and got to soak up lots of sun and take long walks by the lake. In June I celebrated my 24th birthday by eating mexican food and wearing pretty dresses.

July has to be one of my favorite months of all! Jonny and I celebrated our 1rst wedding anniversary. I love Jonny so much and couldn't ask for a better husband! He is my prince! I also had my very first blogger meetup with Meaghan of
Left Hand Endeavor. Jonny and I had such a wonderful time hanging in Baltimore with Meaghan and Mike! Meaghan and I still talk all the time and I know I've made a friend for life.

August and September were spent moving into a beautiful new home. Setting up house was so much fun! I spent lots of time in our new backyard. I also started doing my Etsy
shop full time. Being able to work from home doing something I love so much has been an amazing blessing to my life. These last few months have been very busy, but in a great way!

2009 was a good year. I met so many fabulous people and have so many wonderful memories. Goodbye 2009 and hello 2010! Who knows what will happen this year, but I have a feeling it'll be great! ;o)
See you next year my lovely readers!!!