I was tagged by the sweet as can be
Imelda to answers some questions so you all can know a little bit more about me.
The Rules:
1. Answer the questions on your blog, replace a question you don't like with one of your own invention and finally add a question of your own.
2. Tag 8 other un-tagged bloggers.
What is your current obsession?
Dear Creatures, it's such a lovely line you might not have heard of yet. Oh yes, and I love The Office.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
-To time-travel!
What do you see outside your window?
-Trees and flowers
What's your favorite color?
Your weakness?
-Dresses, I never feel I have enough.
Which animal would you be?
-A dog...haha
What's for dinner?
-Don't know yet, maybe chicken...
If you could learn another language, what would you choose?
What's on your bedside table?
-Books, water and chapstick
Say something to the person that tagged you?
-Thank you so much for this tag...I love your blog and your fabulous style!
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere, where would it be?
-The french countryside
What's your favorite children's book?
-Where the Wild Things Are
What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?
-To be outside as much as possible
What would you like to have in you hands right now?
What's your favorite tea flavor?
-Chai Tea
What's your favorite article of clothing?
What would you like to get rid of?
-My tendency to worry too much
If you could go anywhere in the world for an hour, where would you go?
What did you want to be as a child?
-An actress and a cowgirl
Do you prefer day or night?
What's your plan for tomorrow?
-Spending time with my hubby
How tall are you?
- 5 ft 3 1/2 inches
What's your favorite smell?
-Flowers of any kind
What's your favorite flower?
If you could be anyone for the day, living or dead, who would it be?
-Priscilla Presley, on this day in
I would like to tag anyone that would like to do this :o)