My Sunday was just about as lovely as Sundays can be. This morning I went to visit Blake and Zoe, my twin niece and nephew, and of course their Mama, my sister in law Sara. Then Jonny and I came home, and all day we have been pitter-pattering around the house. All the windows are open and there's such a wonderful breeze. I'm not one who enjoys air-conditioning. I love seeing the the curtains blow and hearing the birds chirping!
I'm wearing a 30s dress that I got off Ebay three or four years ago. It's quite obvious that I've hemmed it shorter. It was down almost to my ankles. I don't know why I hemmed it so short, but this was years ago. I kinda wished it was a tad longer, but what can you do?! I adore its pockets and sweet little plastic buttons!
I hope everyone is doing well!