Sunday, June 27, 2010

Think Pink

Hat: Roses
Vintage Dress: A surprise gift from Meaghan
Belt: Vintage
Shoes: Thrifted
1960's Bag: Going in my shop tomorrow!

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a nice weekend! I spent most of the weekend getting a head start on packing. I emptied three closets and our laundry room. Not bad for still having 20 days to go! Now I'm watching Sunday in New York on TCM. If you haven't seen it you must! Tomorrow I'll be taking pictures of one of my favorite vintage finds ever! I've waited since last fall to show you because it's that good. So pictures of that very soon! Take Care!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer Moving Sale!

This adorable picture was found here

Hi all! As I'm sure most of you know Jonny and I are moving in three weeks to Nashville, Tennessee! That means it's time to clear out my shop as much a possible. I need to lighten my load for our big trip south and make room for new finds! So, Q's Daydream Vintage is having a Summer Moving Sale! I've added tons of pretty vintage to the sale section of my shop! Also, just for you readers I'm accepting offers on items that might not be in the sale section. So, if you just have to have something that's not on sale make me an offer! I'll either say yes or counteroffer with a price I think suitable. So simple and fun!
Have a fabulous first weekend of summer!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

You're So Perfectly Summer Norma Jeane

I've been a little obsessed with these pictures the last few days so I just had to share...

Pictures found here and here

Aren't they just wonderful!? I love Marilyn Monroe, but these pictures of Norma Jeane before she became Marilyn are the ones that inspire me the most. Look at those white shorts and that bikini! I'm now officially on the hunt for a 1940s bikini!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

More Birthday Pics, Dream Cars

Jonny's model face, hehe!

Vintage 1950's Sunglasses: An antique mall years ago!
Playsuit: Target

These pictures were taken when Jonny and I took a bike ride to the classic car show on my birthday. We had such fun looking at all of the antique cars! There were hundreds there but I just took pictures in front of some of my favorites. Clearly I have a thing for vintage trucks! The playsuit is one of the two Jonny got me for my birthday. I love it! The vintage sunglasses I've had since I was little. Seeing these pics makes me realize they look kinda silly on me, but who cares, haha! Talk soon!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Birthday Dress

On Saturday I celebrated my 25th birthday! Jonny and I spent the entire day together doing fun thing after fun thing. First we rode our bikes to a classic car show that was happening just down the street from where we live. There we took pictures of our favorite cars (which I'll show you soon) and ate snow cones! Later we went to my favorite lunch spot and I had the most delicious grilled tuna sandwich that I dipped in soy sauce. For desert we had peanut butter pie! After lunch we went to one of my favorite antique malls where I met the sweetest lady who just happened to be a Elvis fan. Then we toke these pictures! The rest of the day we spent at the beach and later we came home and watched a movie. I got this lovely gingham dress from Venus and Mars as a gift from Jonny as well as two adorable playsuits! Simply perfect!

Today hasn't been quite as exciting. I woke up with a bad case of food poisoning and for a while there was convinced I was dying, lol! Jonny is taking the best care of me and I'm feeling much better now!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Nanny, Part 2

This is my Nanny's sister in law Nuni. Love the shorts!

These are my Nanny's friends Miggs and Edie

My Nanny isn't in this one, but it was too cute not to share. Nanny did take the picture!

Well, that's it for part two! All of these pictures were found in the same album as part one. Next time we'll continue with Nanny when she met my Papa. :o)

PS: My 25th birthday is this Saturday so I probably won't be posting until after that. I'll be sure to take pictures of how I spend my first day being 25! Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A New Source Of Inspiration

Rochelle Hudson in 1935

Just the other day I discovered the fabulousness of Tumblr! I'd heard of it here and there through other blogs, but really never gave it a second thought. Then the other day one of Casey's tweets lead me to her wonderful tumblr blog. Casey's tumblr made me immediately start my own. How had I been missing so many incredibly inspiring photographs all these months and months! Casey's tumblr lead me to lots of other great tumblr blogs that lead me to all of these awesome pictures...

This beauty was found on Casey's tumblr and Casey found it on The Cats Pajamas' flickr.

This is Angela Lansbury!

Pictures found here and here!

If you'd like to visit my tumblr go here! There you'll also find all the lovelies I follow. Hmmm, it seems like most of my recent inspiration posts are girls in the 1930's or 1940's wearing shorts, playsuits or bathing suits, lol! I guess it has something to do with the extra hot weather we've been having everyday. I love summer!!!

PS: My Nanny part 2 in a couple days!

Etsy Shop Update!

Here's just a taste of what I've been adding to my shop recently! The top dress is from my own collection and I adore it. I hope it finds a good home!
Clink the links below each item to be brought to it's page.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sittin On The Dock Of The Bay

Halter Top: Wet Seal, like forever ago! I think I was 12 when I bought it...I never did grow into it, lol.
Shorts: Kensie Girl
Hat: Thrifted

Well, lake really! These pictures were taken while Jonny and I were still in North Carolina visiting my Papa. This lake is my Papa's backyard! This was the best place to spend the summer when I was a girl. Especially on hot southern days!
I hope you all have a wonderfully lazy Sunday!