Monday, January 21, 2013

Jean Seberg, August 1958

I came across these two, new to me photographs of Jean Seberg and had to share. I love discovering new photographs of my favorite fashion icons! They were taken in 1958 in Jean's hometown, Marshalltown Iowa. If you're interested you can read a little more about the story here.

I hope you all had a marvelous weekend! The weather was lovely, so Jonny and I took Loretta for several walks. We also did some thrifting where I found so adorable baby clothes for little Hazel. Yay! I hope you have a happy Monday! xx

Friday, January 18, 2013

Inspiration Friday, Lena Hoschek F/W 2013/14

 Who better to put me back into the blogging swing of things than Lena Hoschek?! ;) I always get excited when Lena comes out with a new collection. Her f/w collections always come when I'm in my winter funk and just want spring to hurry up and come... but seeing these f/w collections always makes me a feel a little bit better about winter lasting a tiny bit longer.

You can see the entire collection here

I love how she mixes tough boots with girly dresses! In the winter thats my uniform. Dresses and boots. :)
I hope y'all have a lovely weekend! xx

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

We're Having A Baby Girl!

Hello! Just yesterday Jonny and I found out we're having a baby girl! We are both just over the moon! The little bathing suit above is my first ever that my Mama saved for me. It should fit our little Hazel perfectly this spring ;) I also want to thank you all for you sweet congratulations! I can't believe that post was over a month ago now. With the holidays and having to take it easy the past couple of weeks time has flown by! I'm really hoping to get back into the blogging swing of things for real this time.
I hope you all are well! xo