Today after Jonny dragged me to the opening of the new Apple Store in our area we decided to go to the beach on our way home. It was so beautiful with the fog we had to take some pictures. I always have my camera in my purse. It was pure coincidence that I was in my sailor dress! Also you probably noticed a big difference in my hair! I loved being blonde, but wanted to try something new for the fall. We'll see how long it last! Happy Saturday!
cute pixie cute.
* oh yes, audrey you gotta love her. i have a 45 record of moon river framed above my other desk.
* i lovelove your hair. i am thisclose to getting it cut short again.
* and i love a bout de souffle too :) i took french cinema in university and was really fascinated by la nouvelle vague.
* i think this comment has surpassed its allowable use of "love", but i have to say that i love your dress too. where is this one from?
The sailor dress is so pretty, also your hair... huge difference, I was a little confused at first, I absolutely love it, I think the crop really suits you
i don't mind long comments at all!
and *squeal* thanks for the tip! i checked out the side and there's this skirt that i already want. i need more office clothes :)
Oh you look beautiful! I love girls with short hair (as I have short hair) with great style! Your a ledgend :-) Rosa xxxx
i love that dress! where is it from?
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