Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sheet Music

Today, while I was out and about I couldn't resist stopping by my favorite vintage/antique shop. When I saw these pieces of sheet music I knew they would be perfect to frame for my new home! Don't you just love the sailor outfits on the "You Hit the Spot" sheet?!

Oh, and thank you all so much for your sweet comments about be new home! I'm having so much fun decorating everything. I'll be sure to have more pictures soon! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekends! I'm off to go watch The Purchase Price with Barbara Stanwyck from 1931. It's part of the Forbidden Hollywood collection from TCM. Pre-code movies have become my new obsession!


  1. I want those wide-legged trousers!

  2. haha, I know! I must have them too :o)

  3. what neat prints! they will look SO good in your home!

  4. Those will look so good! I have a few similar things in my flat as well... and everybody loves it. hehe


  5. oh they look great! :) it's the kind of vintage thing i love <3

  6. Those are wonderful! Your home is lovely!

  7. I love the last one! For some reason the girl w/ the dark hair reminds me of Katie Holmes.

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  8. So lovely! I have literally stacks of sheet music from the 1920s that my Gigi gave me...The printwork is absolutely stunning! I've been meaning to frame a few...Out of curiosity, what type of frames did you use?

  9. Yeah, Pre-Code movies!!! What did you think of The Purchase Price? I sort of love it just for all the sort of plain jane '30s dresses Barbara wears in it.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Aww, gosh! I love old sheet music!! I was in this antique store that had looadds of them from the '20s and '30s and I just wanted to buy them all! If I had more wall space I'd be sure to do the same! I'm sure it'll look so sweet in your home!

    ps: And hooray, hooray for pre-codes!! They're my very favorite! The TCM collections are the best...I still need to save up to get the latest in the series, though! It looks so good!


  12. Purchase Price is such a great movie! I'm a huge fan of pre-code movies too and often find myself shocked by their content- so spicy!
    Fantastic find on the sheet music! Those sailor outfits are a hoot!


Thank you ever so much for your comments! They mean so much to me. xo