The other day my dear friend Meaghan did a post on her
blog with pictures of her Mom when she was just a girl. I was so enchanted by Meaghans lovely post and her adorable Mom that I had to do a post in honor of my Mama. These pictures where taken in 1970 when my Mom was 17 years old. Most were taken by her Mom and Dad for her husband to be, a midshipman at the Naval Academy. My Mom gave me these pictures when I was 16 and they've been one of my most treasured possessions since. If I was just half as beautiful as my Mama was and IS, I'd be a very lucky girl! I hope you enjoy!
These are fantastic!! Your mom had a pretty cool style. It's funny how the photos all have such a perfect old look, they remind me of the effect that new magazines try to get in their photos sometimes. This is the legit original! I love it.
Your faces are absolutely identical!
such beautiful photos. now i want to post photos of MY mom :)
oh she's lovely !!!!!!! and these photos have just about the most perfect amount of real fadedness to them!
i'm so happy you postd about your mom too! we should all post about our moms!
you should definitely get her to read these comments!!!! i'm sure she'd be happy to read how beautiful she was, even if i'm sure you already tell her all the time! :D
wow, your mother is gorgeous. you're gorgeous too! :) (delurking myself-- I've been reading for quite a while and admiring your style~)
haha. what are you on about - she is the 1970s, slightly more bronzed version of you! that is to say stylish and gorgeous! thanks for sharing these with us!
So pretty and such great style. She is beautiful beyond words, love all of these photos.
xo Darla
These are wonderful!!! I think you and your mom look so much alike, so you are indeed very lucky!!!
Aww both you and your mom are so pretty! I love your mom's style, so 70s! Now I want to dig up some old pictures of my mom!
I love your mom's style, I hope she held on to some of those pieces (that fur-trimmed coat!!) to pass on to you. A sweet story behind them too.
i can see SO much family resemblance! these photos are such a treasure!
Wow, BEAUTIFUL photos! You look so much like your mother... and you are both so gorgeous! It's amazing and sweet :D
I've missed you! Sorry things have been so crazy to stop and say hi! :(
what a beautiful mum!! You look very similar to her! and she was also very stilish!
Didn't you post some pictures of her as a teen model or something quite a while back as well? I think your mum looked amazing - such an inspiring style and so, so pretty! And you are just as beautiful, dear.
She's beautiful!! Love her hat, too.
wow, these photos are beautiful. and you look so much like your mom! i'm going to be visiting family this week and i can't wait to dig through old photos!
Those are so lovely! Your mom was so stylish. You two look so much alike! I love this little trend that Meaghan started! It makes me want to dig up old photos of my mom, too! :)
Your mom had some great style! :)
How amazing! Your mom is beautiful--and totally smoking hot in her two piece! Thank you for sharing. I recently posted a few photos of my mom on my blog as well: Fashion for Writers and am planning to post a few more once I go home to New York and have a chance to scan in photos of her from her modeling days!
I think you def look like your mom!
Your mother was styling and gorgeous! Look at her rocking a bikini!
You look so like her! Both gorgeous, stylish and with that lovely sunniness. Thank you for posting! Now I'm inspired too to post up pics of my mother!
wow, these pictures are wonderful. She is so gorgeous, and I'm loving the styles.
Wow, you mother is beautiful! Maybe this weekend I will look for some pictures of my mother in the 70s!
Yoy look so much alike, especially the last picture. You should submit to my Mom, The Style Icon. :-)
What lovely photos! I was thinking of doing one of my mum, a little while ago, actually.
-Andi x
you really look like your mum! that fur coat is awesome. i did a post also inspired by meaghan's post, but about old photos of the spanish side of my family. i just love old photos.
Wow, you look so much like your mom - and she's GORGEOUS! How lucky of you to have inherited such pretty jeans. :-)
And I love your mom's cream knitted cap. Awesome!
Those are wonderful images! Such a sweet story too. I love your mother's casual style. <3
Great photos. I LOVE your style..I love your hair, love your blog! xo ava
These are gorgeous!! Her photos could rival all blogger photos today....this is what I try so hard to make my photos look like!
These are so wonderful! She certainly was just as stylish as you are! Thanks for sharing.
This is so cool!!! Now I want to find old photos of my Mom too! Your mother was gorgeous, and had a nice style. But you say you'd like to look like her, well I think you really do. Except for your hair, you have pretty similar face expressions.
Your mom is so beautiful!!
so sweet! your mom was gorgeous and had incredible style!!!
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