Rochelle Hudson in 1935
Just the other day I discovered the fabulousness of Tumblr! I'd heard of it here and there through other blogs, but really never gave it a second thought. Then the other day one of Casey's tweets lead me to her wonderful tumblr blog. Casey's tumblr made me immediately start my own. How had I been missing so many incredibly inspiring photographs all these months and months! Casey's tumblr lead me to lots of other great tumblr blogs that lead me to all of these awesome pictures...
If you'd like to visit my tumblr go here! There you'll also find all the lovelies I follow. Hmmm, it seems like most of my recent inspiration posts are girls in the 1930's or 1940's wearing shorts, playsuits or bathing suits, lol! I guess it has something to do with the extra hot weather we've been having everyday. I love summer!!!
PS: My Nanny part 2 in a couple days!
I'll have to go check out your tumblr... I still haven't gotten on that bandwagon but might after seeing all these lovely photos! I wish I could have all the outfits these vintage ladies are wearing.
Would never have guessed that was Angela Lansbury! I never really understood what tumblr was, although I'd heard people talking about it, I'm going to have a look right now!!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
I have succeeded in getting yet another person addicted to Tumblr! haha. I'm so glad you're on Tumblr now--isn't it the most amazing place? I honestly stink at most of these sorts of things, but Tumblr keeps me coming back because it is that good (and it's mostly pictures--and I like looking at inspiring pictures!). ;)
♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com
I agree that tumblr is so addictive and awesome! Have only begun exploring it. GREAT images. Wasn't Angela Lansbury a DISH?
These are amazing, can't wait to see nanny part two. Seeing real photos of real people is the best!
Wow. You found all of these at tumblr?
angela lansbury's shoes!! I love them!! I have fun looking through your tumblr and look forward to all your future inspirations!!
These photos are wonderful! I've been missing out on tumblr as well. Maybe I should start one... or at least check out some other people's. I'll definitely check out yours!
angela lansbury is so cute in that photo. thanks for sharing these.
i really like your blog, it's so nice!! i would like to find shorts like yours, but not easy here in france!
I love the outfit in the last picture!!
What gorgeous photos of inspiration! Angela Lansbury was so utterly gorgeous, well I think she always has been really! lol :)
Aya of Strawberry Koi
These are amazing – I will definitely be checking out your tumblr heaps!
(And I just checked your etsy, left computer, came here to see that blue button dress and of course I missed out! Argh, my bad timing! :D )
tumblr is a neat site -- i'd love to have one but really cannot spend any more time on a blog than i already do! lol!
yay! you caught the tumblr bug! consider yourself followed ;)
I have heard of tumblr too but never used it. Think i'll have to take a look now, so many pretty photos. Love that photo of Angela Lansbury back in the day, an unlikely style icon!
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