Tuesday, August 10, 2010

She & Him

Yesterday I received some very exciting mail! Tickets to go She & Him! I'm a big fan of Zooey and M. Ward so this is a real treat.

This video is super cute! Zooey is trying to remove the flower from her hair to throw into the audience. It takes some work, lol!

I'm not just excited to hear the music, but to also see what Zooey will be wearing! ;o)

You'll obviously hear more about this in a few weeks!

Also, I want to thank you all for the super sweet comments lately! It means so much to to me to hear your kind words!


  1. How exciting! Congrats! I would love to go to a She and Him concert! Maybe one day...

  2. Eeek! How fun you get to go see them in concert!!! :) I can't wait to hear about it--and do tell us what Zooey is wearing (yes, I'm one of those annoying people! haha!). ;)

    ♥ Casey
    blog | elegantmusings.com

  3. have an amazing time!!!!!! I can't wait to hear how it went!

  4. I love the song Sweet Darlin' and the video's cute. Have fun! xxx

  5. Siiiggghhh, I'm listening to She and Him now. I would SO like to see them but I live in Australia and they're hardly known here!

  6. Um, her dress in the last photo. I think I need it.

    Have fun at the concert! They are coming here too and I really want to see them!


  7. what a nice surprise! and yes, i'd be excited to see her outfit as well! i missed them at coachella and was pretty bummed out it, you are a lucky girl :))

    ps//that video is cute, made me smile!

    jess s//

  8. aw, you lucky duck! I'd love to see them in concert. Looks like they're shimmying around Oklahoma though....darn!


Thank you ever so much for your comments! They mean so much to me. xo