Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blue Bird

1940's Dress, borrowed from Karyn
Belt, Gap years ago
Vintage bag, going in my shop tomorrow!
Vintage 70's boots

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was wonderfully lazy. Yesterday Jonny and I went to see Blue Valentine, which I've been waiting to see for months! I really liked it and the acting is superb! It's very real, almost as if you not supposed to be watching it..

The dress I'm wearing if from a dress swap I did with Karyn from Dethrose Vintage. I just adore the print and the great big bow! Karyn is such a sweetheart! You need to check out her blog and etsy shop if you haven't already.
Also, Karyn just posted an interview I did for her! Check it out here.
Talk to you soon! :o)


The Collar of the Dove said...

this is one of my favourite outfits from you ever! The blue bird print is so pretty!

Wildfell Hall Vintage said...

GREAT belt and bag lady! love it, can't go wrong with those accessories...x

reckless daughter said...

gorgeous dress! such a lovely print.

Mandy said...

I absolutely love this outfit! One of my New Year's goals is to wear more dresses, and this is a perfect winter outfit. I can't wait to see "Blue Valentine" - Michelle Williams is amazing!

BaronessVonVintage said...

Loooove that dress!!

Dethrose Vintage said...

Wow! Quincy thank you so much for showing off this gorgeous dress for me:) you look stunning! And I love the way you accessorized it!!

Lexie said...

this dress is just darling! i will definitely check out her shop! :)

Miss Tami Lee said...

You look adorable! Love the slouchy boots with a girly dress :

Elanor said...

what an darling dress! you look adorable. :)


amanda said...

love your dress! the print is so pretty and the sweet little tie is just perfect. and your photos are gorgeous!!!!

mizztraveller said...

your boots looks it

Cassandra said...

I think this may be one of my favorite outfits I've seen all week! Seriously, the dress, headband, purse! Everything is so lovely!

Unknown said...

I love this outfit, the print is fab and the collar/tie combination looks lovely.

Kerri @ OldLadyChic said...

Lovely dress, I like the longer length. I want to see that movie so bad, alas it isn't playing here yet. I never woulda thought our little jen from Dawson's creek would become the respected actress she is today!

Unknown said...


Jessica / Lola Vintage said...

I love dresses with the bow at the neck. You look sweet as ever, Q. And, that purse is sooo cool, I used to own something like it and sadly have no idea what happened to it. Let me know if you end up putting it in your shop! xo


What an adorable dress! Karyn really is such a doll. Also enjoyed reading your interview! xo.

Unknown said...

Pretty pretty dress, it's so cute! =)

Claggie said...

Q! You put the best outfits together. I love that dress. I miss thrifting in Nashville and being stopped by random he/shes in the street! :P

Honor said...

I absolutely LOVE the dress

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

I love dress swaps. I have only done one but wish so much to do them constantly.

The pinwheel design on this dress is adorable. You look so sweet!!

Meaghan Kelly said...

quincyyyyy i miss you!

Chelsea said...

this is all so adorable. the details are charming together and it's exactly something I'd like to wear...and YOUR HAIR is always so cute.

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

You look so nice in blue. It really suits you. And I love the leather accessories (especially that bag).

Blue Valentine opens here at the end of the month. A friend and I are anxious to see it, though we know that it's not exactly happy. Ryan and Michelle are always superb and that's what we're looking forward to.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous as ever :) Love the print and sillhouette and that bag is so sweet :)

Carys said...

I love the bow!! Adorable print too, you look so nice!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Jen O said...

you really rock that longer length, it looks so cute with the boots! a great outfit for spring--

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