Sunday was Jonny and my one year wedding anniversary! I can't believe our first year as a married couple went by so fast! We spent the morning at church with my family and the afternoon and evening together doing some of my favorite things. We went to see Johnny Depp in Public Enemies, which I highly recommend. Johnny Depp and the 1930's go very well together. Later we went to our favorite mexican restaurant and sat and enjoyed each other for a couple of hours. We continued celebrating yesterday by going to the beach and doing some boogie boarding, such fun! Next year, who knows, maybe Paris?! ;o)
You might have notice the Johnny Cash and June Carter theme to our pictures. Well, Walk the Line was the movie Jonny and I saw on our first date. Also, throughout our relationship Jonny and my nicknames have been Johnny and June. Thats why it was fun to take Johnny and June inspired pictures.
And...I have a new/old bathing suit I can't wait to share with you!
aww, those pictures are so cute.
and happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary, Quincy! I really enjoyed those pictures. And I'm sure taking them was even bigger fun.
My best wishes for the two of you.
Love, Dotti
happy anniversary! i love that last shot - you two make an adorable couple!
Awww, congrats, you two! You are simply darling together.
You're an adorable couple. Congratulations! Some say the first year is the hardest...but I disagree! :)
You two look very much in love. Congratulations on one year!
oh how lovely! you two look absolutely perfect. happy anniversary! my first year wedding anniversary is tomorrow :D
Have you heard this great song from Truckstop Honeymoon about Johnny and June? They are from my hometown, Lawrence, Kansas, and it is great bluegrass/psychobilly. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cefn3Xm4G-o
Awwww, so cute! I love seeing pictures of the men behind the bloggers, haha. Happy wedding anniversary :)
Happy anniversary! Aww, you guys look so adorable :)
Those pictures are really really adorable. Happy anniversary!
Your dress is so cute by the way. Sounds like you had a great time. This post made me :).
Aw, congratulations on your anniversary! I love the photos (and Johnny Cash, of course). :)
Congratulations! I especially love the photos of you two sitting on the tree roots. Many happy returns of the day!
aww happy anniversary! you look so happy
this is so cute! and before i even read what you wrote i was going to say that your pictures totally give off a june carter/johnny cash feel. how cute! happy anniversary and enjoy your second year. :)
It's funny how I really hated Public Enemies. The script was SO boring, Johnny did not suit the role at all (or rather it was not good enough for him) and Marion Cottillard was just...out of place. But then again, I'm a film student, my expectations are high.
Happy anniversary! Your husband looks very handsome and intriguing and your are as cute as ever :*
lovely photos - oh, and happy anniversary!!
You two are so cute! The pictures are great. I like the Walk the line references. And I really want to see Public ennemies, but it's not released here yet :(
love is a beautiful thing. and i am in love with your adorable dress!!!! ;)
aw congrats and happy anniversary!
glad you had a great holiday weekend! :)
too cute! your dress is super lovely!
jess s//
Aww, happy anniversary, dear! You two look so happy and sweet together :) You'd better start saving up for Paris!
Happy Anniversary! :)
Your Johnny Cash & June Carter themed photo shoot is perfectly adorable.
These have to be the sweetest pictures I've ever seen! You guys look so cute together and I love your dress :)
This is so cool :-) you look lovely and now that title-song is in my head!
congratulations! It sounds like a wonderful day...and your dress is absolutely lovely.
great photos!!
You two are so adorable! Happy Anniversary, and many more.
Happy anniversary! You too are so darling. I really adore your dress.
Oh you two look adorable!! And boy do you wear that dress well! You should have worn it for the advertisements :)
Happy Anniversary, you!
Congratulations! You guys look extra cute together . . . sounds like you had a great anniversary. :)
And I'm curious to know what you thought of Public Enemies! I hardly ever go see movies but I really want to see this one . . . 1930s gangsters in the midwest!!
Gosh you do have a lovely blog Q I've just come across it and enjoyed reading it a lot. It looks so hot and sunny where you live and I am a little jealous as it's a steely grey sky here in England. And many congratulations on your anniversary-those photos are gorgeous
Polly Farthing Vintage Blog
You two are the cutest! I just had my 6 month anniversiary with my husband - gosh it goes fast!
I have a little award for you on my new blog too. xxHollie
what sweet and genuine photos :) happy anniversary! <3
Eeek! You two are so cute!!! :) Congrats on your 1st anniversary! How exciting! :) (I can't believe how quickly mine is creeping up--where did the last 8 months go?!)
We took my sister to go see Public Enemies last weekend, and loved it too! I nearly died over all the sweet 30s cars and clothes. ;) hehe! I think I need a pair of sunnies that are similar to the smallish, round ones that JD wears in the movie. Love!
Oh, and your dress is so, so pretty, btw! You have the sweetest style!
oh you two look adorable together! happy anniversary darlings!!!
What lovely pictures! You two are definiately a 'genetically sound' couple (beauties!) best of luck to you both, hope you had a great anniversary!
Loving your outfit as always :)
Aren't those the cutest couple pictures ever?? What software do you use? They look totally fantastic. You both look so happy! I'm also married... and it will be a year in October already!
Loving your blog.
great stuff! I definitely see the Cash influence.. :) beautiful dress on you, and beautiful pictures! especially the last one. you guys look so happy and comfortable together.
congrats on the anniversary!
You guys look so cute in these pictures!!! Love them!
Sounds like you guys had a wonderfull time!
Hope you can go to Paris to celebrate next year!
beautiful photos! congratulations on your anniversary!
and who doesn't love walk the line...
happy anniverary - yall seem so cute!
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Congratulations! Such lovely pictures <3
I went back to older photos of you that I don't think I had ever seen because I think I started to follow you in Aug 2009 and really think this is so so adorable!
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