When I saw this adorable post from Esme and the Lane Way of her pretty Babycat I knew I wanted to take some pictures of my cat Patsy Cline. Patsy always seems to being doing one cute thing or another, but of course when the camera was on her she was nice and composed, as a model should be I suppose. I did wake her up from her nap after all, hehe. Here she is in one of her favorite spots at the end of our sofa.
Patsy is the sweetest little kitty! I grew up with dogs, so I treat Pasty like she is one, poor thing. She loves it though! ;o)
Haha, I feel like this should be the start of posts about bloggers cats. Mine is so hard to photograph though!
I LOVE that you named your kitty Patsy Cline, thats just adorable. And kitty is adorable too!
xoxo Solanah
Patsy is adorable! We have 4 (and a dog), so I know how cute they are, right up until you grab a camera!!
CATS!! :)
Yay torties! I'm a tortie kitty momma myself.
My mom grew up with dogs, as well, so she says she raised our kitty like one. Abby now comes when we call her, runs to greet is at the door, and used to play fetch but she's too old for it now. :'(
I should do a post on my kitty. Thanks for the idea. :)
~ Katie
Your cat is such a poser :)
Another model kitty! My cats are hard to take photos of - they always move too much.
Though Boofy is quite lazy and skittish at the same time.
And Puss - I didn't grow up with dogs but she acts like one! Has to follow you wherever you go in the house and HAS to know what you're doing. She will sit on top of the wardrobe and talk to me while I do my make-up.
People who don't like cats usually like our kitties because they are just so friendly and will come to a stranger for pats instead of hiding under the couch.
Oh so sweet! It seems like every blogging lady out there has a cute kitty side-kick!!
Howw do cats always manage to be so photogenic??!
I love your kitty!!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
Love your kitty! I had four growing but now I'm in a non-pet-friendly apartment. :( One of the first things I'm going to do when I move out is get a cat! (or two or four)
What a cute little kitty, I love cats! I've only ever had orange cats, no matter how much I try for a calico they alwasy end up being orange.....calicos are the best!
What a cute kitty! Mine is convinced she's a dog too I think... although it's definitely a good thing dogs don't climb curtains like she can :)
Naww, so cute, I love this :) So pretty!
I have two kitties, one is a tortoiseshell too; he name is bec and she is super timid. The other one is a fluffy tabbie called charlie, and hes a ratbag! I think he might be in one of my old pictures. both complete opposite personalities.
What a cutie! Patsy looks a lot like one of my tortoiseshell's, Tiger-Lily. She does the neat paws together thing whereas her sister flops about like a puppy.
What a great name you have her too :-)
Hooray for kitty posts! :) Can I just say that it is utterly adorable that you named her Patsy Cline... So fun! :)
♥ Casey
i just posted about my cat, penny! patsy cline is adorable.
Patsy is the cutest! I love her coloring!
She's adorable! I grew up with dogs, too, but then we got a cat when I was about 13.. I miss them both crazily when I'm not with them, I'd give anything to go for a walk with my dear little Zippy (he's a furry little mittelspitz!)
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