Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Happy Wednesday everyone! Just letting you all know that I have some new auctions up on ebay if you want to take a peek!  I've been ebaying now for awhile, but just recently put up a website that links to my auctions. I hope it works right! :o)

PS: Yes, that lovely red dress is for sale!


Toni said...

that dress is so pretty! it looks all silky. i'll have to check out your auctions! :)

Anonymous said...

there's nothing like a red dress! fabulous!!:)

Imelda said...

That dress is fabulous, too bad I'm broke :)

Girl Next Blog said...

This dress is so passionate and fabulous!

Ariella said...

That dress is stunning. I didn't know you were an ebay seller - I might have to take a look at your auctions sometime... I've been buying far too much stuff lately so I don't think I'd buy anything for now, unfortunately.

Josephine Frances said...

I'm glad to know you're doing auctions, I'll have to check them out...

Aguerrero said...

Love the dress! red is fabulous and actually I like seing me dressed in red clothes ;)

Raquel said...

ooops sorry in the last comment I was using my boyfriends account :X

Unknown said...

Just stumbled upon your site and cannot wait to show my wife! I think you have a perfect, beautiful natural talent for showing your fashion. I wouldn't change a thing. The train pics are incredible!!! Hope all is well and hope you're still creating.. xXx ~Mike

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