Yes, I'm wearing pants! I'm surprised I haven't shown you these pants yet! I've had them for years and they're the only pants I truly feel comfy in. They're authentic navy pants from the 40s. I love um! The handsome couple is my Grandpa and Grandma from my Moms side. I never got to meet them because they both died before I was born. Though, my Mom tells me I'm just like her Mama! The picture was taken back in the 1940s right after they got married. Soon after my Grandpa went to fight in WW2. He was a pilot, not a sailor, but it seemed like a fitting place to take these pictures anyway. They had quite the love story. A truly happy in love couple.
Sailor top: Dear Creatures
Sweater: Forever 21
Pants: a thrift shop in Maine
very cool ensemble! the top is awesome.
So adorable! Those pants are to die for. Love the whole outfit!
And your grandparents are gorgeous!
i love love stories from old people, they're always so touching!
you look great in those pants!
Adorable! I love the look of sailor pants.
Perfect! I love your sailor blouse and pants! (I've been looking for pants like these for a while new. No luck so far.)
LOVE the ensemble AND the story of your grandparents!
I love that top! and what a great photo to have!
I've just fallen head over heels in love with this outfit. I have that blouse on order and I can't wait for it to arrive. I only wish I had those pants to wear with it!
Omg I love this outfit! The top and pants are amazing, and that picture of your grandparents is sweet!
You are adorable. I think that every time I visit. I found an old black and white picture that reminds me of you in your flapper post. It's of 3 women in the 20's I think, leaning up against a car. Our scanner is broken so I'll have to take a picture of it and email it to you.
Wow, you really look like the both of them combined! Your outfit is so cute!!
Lovely!!! The sailor style was made for you.
The picture of your grand parents is so cool. We can totally imagine the story you're telling.
those pants are incredible! they look great on you too.
such a darling outfit! i just did a post about my grandma the other day, lots of good old photos :)
Looks great, very cute!
I never wear pants, but I would love to try an outfit like this! :D And the photo of your grandparents is wonderful!
Oh my, all granparents look great in their young pictures... my grandparets were almost like Audrey and James Dean! And your are gorgeous too, wow!!
I adore your shirt, I want a sailor shirt, argh! T_T
What a gorgeous couple your grandparents were! I like the pants too!
Those pants are gorgeous. They're the sort of pants I love.
-Andi x
Gorgeous outfit! It makes me want to wear my sailor dress but I have nowhere to wear it to.
wow!!! these pants are the best kept secret ever! you look so fantastic! and your granparents were lovely!
Gorgeous! I loooove those pants!
Fantastic! We find those US Navy style wool pants now and then, but so far not in my size. I really want a pair!
I LOVE that top! And your grandparents were such a handsome couple.
the renegade bean
Goodness gracious, you look so lovely! Thank you so much for sharing the story behind the pants--remarkable outfit with a remarkable tale behind it.
xo Jenny Fashion for Writers
I look amazing darling, and love how your eyes pop in the first picture.
You looks so pretty in that outfit and I just love how you featured your grandparents in your pics...really, so nice:)
I love your outfit and the idea of having this pretty photo up!
cute pants and I love that deer creatures top!
that shirt is adorable!
this is my favorite outfit on you yet, hands down! i need those pants, need need need!
that top and pants are just perfect together!
Also love that you shared some insight into your grandparent's life too. So sweet.
Those pants look great on you!
Wow, what an amazing looking couple!
i love your pants! i can *never* find vintage pants that fit! you are so lucky!
Wow! That outfit is just to die for! I love the naval inspiration:) And you lucky girl, authentic vintage pants, that's such a great find.
Your grandparents were quite the striking couple too.
you look so great in pants! i love you're whole outfit! and your grandparents are lovely!
I love sailor style. everything about this outfit is adorable!
That outfit is gorgeous! I love sailor inspired outfits. There is a small award over on my blog for you.
XX Rosina Lee
You are so cute!!! I love, love, love the blouse you're wearing... I've been dying for something like that for ages (guess this means I should make one. lol).
Those sailor pants sure are fantastic! I have a pair of vintage ones too, and they are one of the prized pieces in my wardrobe. My husband (who wears his uniform sailor pants regularly), can't understand why I love mine so much (all those buttons are a hassle! lol). ;) Haven't been able to wear them since I moved to FL though, which is a shame... *sigh*
♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com
Absolutely loving that sailor top!
Lucie x
that top is too special, you look great as a sailor!
Lovely! I've got a pair of my uncle's Navy pants and boy are they perfect for Winter. Probably the warmest pants I've got!
Oh wow, a Dear Creatures sailor blouse and '40s navy pants! What a perfect outfit, and your grandparents look like they were the loveliest couple!!
oh, i love your entire attire!
i also visited your etsy shop and faved a bunch of pieces. you have a remarkable shop! using all willpower to refrain from buying the oversized ruby sweater.
the pants are awesome! love this outfit.
again I almost missed this one! I love love love this look! perfection!
Love love love this outfit!
so funny,
I only just discovered in the back of our attic my grandpa's navy outfit, and it fit me perfectly!
exact same pants, with the jacket too and the leg cuff things.
love it!
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