On my last post
Emma left a comment saying she'd love to see some pictures of me when I was a teenager. So, I went on a hunt this morning looking for pictures. I didn't find as much as I would have liked, mostly silly pictures of me acting, well like a teenager or funny baby pictures. I did come across a few of me all taken around the time I was 16. Yes, I smiled a lot and still had braces, hehe!

This was one of my favorite dresses. I wore it to go see Ann Margaret!

With my great Aunt and Uncle and my little bro.

This was at my Sweet 16 surprise party, put together by my friends in Memphis. Yes, I went to Graceland for my 16th birthday, lol!

The group! The handsome gentleman is Joe, a great friend of mine. He worked at Graceland for many years.

Just arriving in Memphis, my brother and I in front of Graceland. Btw, my brother is 6ft 2 now and in perfect shape, hehe.

This was taken when I was acting. I kinda love my long hair! Maybe, just with bangs this time?!
Wow, Q, your hair looks gorgeous long! I love your shorter style now, too, though.
foxy teenage Q! :)
I'm the same way - I last had really long hair when I was 18 - I've been trying to grow it out for 2.5 years now! nearly there!
PS: that last photo is a seriously beautiful pic.
that last photo is sooo pretty! you are gorgeous!
you are STUNNING!!
Old pictures are so fun! What a nice little throwback! And your hair is beautiful! I swear you could wear any hairstyle.
gosh i looked so awkward when i was 16, you look stunning! you look so tanned in the first few photos too.
the last foto, taken while you were acting, is amazing.. but maybe amazing is too poor to define! however, time seems as it didn't pass for you.. you look like as you were at 16 now! the same adorable mischievous face!
love these old photos!! i dont wanna look at photos of me at 16..far too embarrassing!!
magpie-girl.blogspot.com xo
you look so pretty and so tan in these! your long hair is gorgeous, but i'm a little biased since i love your louise brooks bob. it makes you look tres chic. (and you just inspired me to get my bob cut even shorter!)
you're so beautiful! but you haven't changed a bit! that's a really good thing, still young looking!
Wow so pretty! Maybe I will post high school pictures.. eek!
You look gorgeous! I like both long and short hair on you! So cool that you got to go to Graceland for your 16th birthday!
Your short hair is very cute, but with long hair, oh my, so stunning!
you are such a babe! I love your hair long :)
Q, not only do you look gorgeous in these images, but in the pink dress photo, you look EXACTLY like my good friend from uni. I'll have to dig up a picture...it's eery. She's your twin or visa versa ;)
Aw! I love these old photos, you look so sweet and delightful! It's so lovely to look at old photos isn't it :)))
xo Jenny
(PS, Meggy & I are having a little giveaway at our blog:Fashion for Writers, please feel free to enter it if you are so inclined!)
You look great in long hair and also in shorter hair,lol. I think it's just a different look! Your bob is chic :)
your hair is beautiful in the last pic!
You are such a doll! I love your hippy, free-spirited hair! Your current cutie pie pixie cut is also wonderful, though. You are one versatile girl!
wow. you look lovely! and the last photo, you look a bit like Natalia Vodianova ;) you're gorgeous.
Aww, so pretty! You're lucky you have such lovely high school pictures--mine are so scary that I'd never show them in a million years!
I love your hair long like that!
Lovely pictures. I just realised that you look like Winona Ryder :) Hugs :*
Thanks for sharing these pictures of your 16 year old self. Your hair looked really pretty long, especially in that last picture of you.
Pictures of me at 16 are unfortunately pretty scary haha ;)
wow! you were so gorgeous at 16! i was so awkward and had no fashion sense whatsoever! i can definitely see the vintage influence with the hair and the sweet dresses!
wow you're so beautiful! i was wayy awkward, even in a b&w shot like that. all cute photos!
I think you look so much like Emma Watson in that last pic :)
You look so different and yet similar. Like you are your own sister...if that makes sense. I like it both ways on you long/short. Both suit you. :)
You were a real beauty !
you were so cute at 16... and you're still adorable! you acting photo is beautiful!
these are awesome and yes your long hair is beautiful!
you are a babe! x
You looked cute with long hair, Quincy!
Look at that long hair! Isn't it great to look back on old pictures of ourselves? I usually giggle over how silly and awkward I was, but that's part of the fun :)
I love your shorter style now, too, though.
ladies lingerie
Beautiful! I bet you turned all the boys' heads. I love that you went to Graceland. I've been wanting to go!
Seeing all of these photos is so fun!!! And my WORD, you are gorgeous with your hair like that!! It's enough to knowck me out of my chair! :D (You are such model material!!!)
♥ Aya
OMG! You are SO gorgeous! That headshot of you looks incredibly timeless....I would have a hard time dating the photo!
Wow! This is so cool to see you as a teenager! You were gorgeous, and still are. You didn't change that much. Your hair does. Both haircuts suit you. This is not fair! I wasn't looking very good at 16 :(
"Wow" doesn't really sum it up, but I assume that you prefer commenters to refrain from the use of expletives! How perfectly pretty you were and still are. I was a mess in high school. Well actually, I'm still a mess, go figure!
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