Elizabeth Taylor has been one of my favorite actresses since I was a little girl. I remember being super small and watching National Velvet, wishing I looked like Elizabeth. Back then there was still some hope that I would grow to be as stunningly gorgeous as she was/is. No such luck, lol! Though I do pretend and quite often have Elizabeth's face as my profile picture on facebook, hehe. Anyway I came across these rare images of Elizabeth on tumblr and I think they're so lovely and inspiring. I hope you do too!
Have a wonderful weekend you pretty things!
My god, she's so PRETTY. Everytime I see a picture of her, I'm just in awe. And I loved National Velvet as a kid, too. :)
she was so stunning ! and a brunette for a change ...
What cool pictures! She's not necessarily my fave actress, but I think Liz Taylor is one of THE most beautiful women ever. I still love National Velvet! Her equestrian outfits are kind of great.
Sent you an email, btw : )
Oh these photos are amazing :)
She is stunning, isn't she. I love the first photo of her between the dogs and the one sitting on the diving board. Thanks for sharing these!
♥ Rebecca Jean
Midnight Maniac
She's exquisite, love that dress she has on while painting. Happy weekend-
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Halloween fun giveaway
You're right! These Photos are so inspiring. She's very beautiful!:)
Thank you so much for sharing this.
xx, Alice from bells and whistles
I agree with Lemon Drop: EXQUISITE.
Very pretty - great choice of pictures!
I can't agree more. I am a huge fan! One of best compliments I ever received was saying I resembled a young Liz Taylor (when my hair was much darker).
Wow! I never saw her before what she looks like now and I still thought she was pretty!
Haha, you are so silly! Of course she is beautiful but you are too. Thanks for the stunning images of Ms. Taylor, I always love looking through older photos. Keep 'em coming!
I've definitely not seen enough of her films! Though, I LOVED the TV biopic, starring Sherilyn Fenn, when I was little. Haha. Anyway, she IS gorgeous (and so are you ;]) - she just has THE most perfect face.
-Andi x
Lovely pictures and rare also! She's so cute...
I love her! She was soooo pretty! You know when I was little I used to have violet eyes, but alas, not anymore.
Oh!!! These are so lovely--I can never tire of Liz-spam. ;) lol. I watched National Velvet as a girl, but I don't think it was until I saw "Father of the Bride" that I really fell in love with Elizabeth Taylor. She just had a really stunning beauty and air about her... Although I have to say I think my favorite movie of her's is "Taming of the Shrew"... haha!
♥ Casey | blog
man i need to go on tumblr again one day. It is tough with all the homeschooling and trying to keep up with stuff. ugh. lovely woman - she really was so very gorgeous!!!!!!!
Quincy! This is who you look like! Seriously. When we were chowing down on those sweet potato pancakes the other week, I kept thinking to myself, "Who does Quincy look like that I know." It's Liz Taylor and anyone that I really know at all!
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