Awhile back I showed you a
pattern for a 1940s sailor dress that I was planning on making. Well, here it is! 99% done I'd say. This is only the second dress I've ever made, so I'm still nervous about doing the finishing touches. Is it just me, or is it the finishing touches of making something that make you the most nervous?! Next on my list...
This is a 1930 pattern that a bought awhile back. I was drawn to the sweet little bows!

This one is from the early 1960s. I plan on making a red cotton one first. If I like it, I just might have to make it in lots of solid colors!
Talk soon!
I love it, I love it! I'm a huge fan of sailor dresses and yours turned out wonderful!
It looks like you've done a wonderful job! Did you have any troubles with the sizing? That always gets me with patterns!
oh Quincy great job!!! holy moly you are so talented!!!!!!!!! I still haven't had the guts to sew more than a measly little A line skirt for myself...
that last dress is my favourite I think. How cute would that be in little red and white vertical stripes?????????
wow you're so good! the one you made is fantastic!
Wonderful job! Can't wait to see how your next projects turn out :-)
wow it's so cool!
I love it! Are they incredibly hard to make? I've been planning on learning how to sew, and was wondering how much experience I would need under my belt...anyways, can't wait to see the others!
You did such an amazing job! This will be such a perfect springtime outfit!
wow! well done! this dress is fabulous. can't wait to see the next :)
Lovely first dress, I'm amazed! I thought it was vintage before I read your description. What kind of fabric did you use/where did you buy it? I'm a horrible seamstress but if my mom has a pattern and fabric she can whip up things quickly for me. :)
Lovely dress. Great job!
40s sailor dresses are so hard to find and it's so cool that you made your own from a vintage pattern. it's coming out great! i wish i could sew better so that i can make all the dresses i can't find or afford.
You've got fairy fingers!
Wow, it looks so perfect!! This is a mega inspiration to try my hand at sewing something. I can't wait to see what else you can whip up!
oooh super sweet!
Wow! Great job! I can't wait to see you wearing it. And the next ones you're planning to do...
You're right about the finishing touches. I feel the same. i feel like I'm going to ruin everything I did. Like when I put colors on a drawing... You see what I mean ?! :D
WOW!!! My jaw nearly hit my keyboard when I saw the photo, Quincy! It's adorable!!! I'm always a fan on sailor-inspired pieces, but this is just so cute. Love how that pattern turned out... beautiful!!!!! Can't wait to see your cute self modeling it (and your next sewing project)!
♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com
I love your sailor dress! You did such an amazing job! It looks so lovely, and I wish I could find a sailor dress pattern! Can't wait to see your future projects!
So cute, cant wait to see a picture of you in it!
What a lovely dress! You know, I really do not like putting zippers in. Honestly, I hate zipper's they are my arch nemesis!!!
On another note, the 60's dress pattern is sooooo very cute! I have a few vintage patterns. I might have to tackle one now!
Oh, your second handmade piece only?! It looks soso pro! Congrats.
Can't wait until you're done with dress nr. 3, it's perfection.
That sailor dress is gorgeous! I love the 60's dress on your sewing list too.
Wow, this turned out BEAUTIFUL! You know, it looks exactly like a vintage swimsuit from the 20s I saw in a local vintage shop the other day.. can't believe they swam in them! I thought it was a dress at first, and it was made of wool too..!
Fabulously done! I can't wait to see it on!
Go you!! such a lovely creation, can't wait to see it on!!
jess s//
That dress is adorable and the finishing touches are definitely troublesome; you don't want all that hard work to go to waste!
Oh, gosh, you did a wonderful job! It looks fabulous. I'd love a dress like that. I'm mad on sailors.
-Andi x
Oh! That is so fabulous! I love it! I can't wait to see what it looks like on. Congratulations!
Is that your second dress for real? I am so impressed! that looks absolutely amazing!
i can understand why the finishing touches would make you the most nervous! if you mess up in the beginning, you can just rip the seams and start over .. it you mess up towards the end, that's a lot of work you have to redo! but you are NOT going to mess up cause you are awesome!
I hope the dress turns out perfect. It'll look gorgeous you!
you are so talented :) wish I could do that myself. Love that 60's dress.
Oh, my! I thought you bought that. You did such an amazing job Quincy.
Lulu Letty
Oh Quincy I love the dress you made! Its so darling. I also wanted to thank you for the nice comment you left on my blog. It might sound silly, but I was so flattered. Thanks!
Utterly, entirely wonderful! I'm a massive of fun of sweet, playful vintage (and vintage patterns for) frocks like that. Amazing creation, honey!
I really want to extend my sincere thanks to you for your lovely comments this month. I apologize if it sometimes takes me a wee bit of time to return the visit and enjoy the delightful beauty and inspiration of your site. Please know that I always appreciate your visits and the thoughts you share with me so very much!
Oodles of hugs & wishes of happiness,
♥ Jessica
It's absolutely amazing!!!! You are so, so talented my dear!! :D
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