For as long as I can remember I've loved to swing. My Mom had to pull me off the swing when I was little. I'd spend hours just pumping my legs and swinging! Yesterday was the first time I'd been swinging for years and years. Well, lets just say Jonny had to tell me several times it was time to leave before I gave in and hopped off that swing, hehe :o)
Vintage Sweater: found in DE
Dress: Thrifted
these are, for sure, my most favorite photos of you yet!
you wear nautical better than anyone else out there Quincy! :)
and I can just picture Jonny having to tell you it was time to go! You guys have so little snow! I'm so envious! I'm going to pack all my new Spring wear for when I come to your house, and if it's cold I'll just wear it with tights and a sweater!
OH, Quincy I was the same way as a kid. Aside from my dolls and crayons, the thing I loved most was playing on the swings for hours. I still get the biggest joy out of it.
You have the most beautiful smile and I simply adore your sailor top!
Lulu Letty
you have the most joyful photos!
I love so much swinging too..even if I don't have many chances to do it! (or I should say: never!!) your vintage shirt is really funny! and I like so much also your shoes ..
Oh goodness! That is the most darling sweater ever. You always have the most lovely sailor inspired outfits!
love, Jenny
You look chic and carefree, lady!
Wow, I'm amazed at how many adorable nautical items you own-- I don't have any! Definitely going to look even harder now. Lovely photos as well, I adore swings and still go on them when I can, hehe.
Gotta love those swings! Good for you swinging in style!
You are the undeniable champion of sailor outfits!!
I make it a point to swing with my son every summer. It will always be fun for us girls at heart. ♥
i feel the same way about swings! i could be on them for hours! you outfit is so cute! you look great in nautical!
i loved your last post too! great job on that dress!
That is the cutest sweater! What an amazing find! I love these photos so much... When I was little we had a swing set in the backyard, and I'd spend hours swinging! I haven't done it in years... seeing these photos makes me want to go find a park with a playground! hehe!
♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com
omg love this look (esp the red belt) so fun!
A beautiful swinging sailor girl!
Aw, you look a-dorable Quincy!! And that '40s sailor dress you made is incredible!!! I'm envious of your sewing skills! I reallly want to learn--so far all I can do is stitch up a tear. haha Oh dear. xx
oh my gosh, definitely the cutest blog pictures I've seen today :).
Such lovely pics- happy ones! Love the sailor collar, those always make me smile.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
hooray for back to back sailor-inspired outfits! i love the picture of you on the swing--it looks like it was clipped from a vintage scrapbook.
That swing shot is adorable!
You wear your clothes very well :-)
marvelous photos as per usual :) thanks so much for the book tip, i am totally gonna pick that one up!! (in fact, if i may be frank, i've had a mondo sh*tty day and the book thing lifted my spirits a bit, so thank you for that)
that top is a great find and love the little bow on it. you have a radiant smile--it's clear from it how much you like swinging. :)
I loved to swing! hours & hours.
Isn't it funny how we forget these little things?
I too used to swing for hours and hours and hours as a child! All afternoon. There's even family video of it somewhere!
I loved these photos! So happy! And your sweater is so darling.
this is random, but i looove your lipcolor! is it a gloss or were you just lucky to be born with it?
You look amazing! I love the pictures. You pull off nautical SO well!
You take such divine pictures and wear such wonderful thing - jealous? me? of course not! (hehe!)
Much love,
you look so cute i love it!!!
What adorable pictures. I wasn't so sure about sailor collars last year, but I think you just sold me on them. I love how you wore that blouse.
oh my goodness, these are SO cute! you are totally adorable! i cant believe i haven't seen your blog until now, where have i been? :)
Cute sweater!
what a cute little outfit. i'm always so jealous of your pics- you live around such wonderful trees! :) i needs to drives outs for some like those... (sigh)
You are.
The cutest thing.
You're adorable! My sister and I love swings too; it's nice when she's around b/c then I feel less strange hanging out in children's parks.
Awww, what a perfect outfit! :D
And I love swings, they were always my favorite thing on the playground as I kid. I still love going to the park, just for the swings! :D
Adorable outfit! The pictures are tres gorgeous. :)
Swings never go out of style!
Swings are my favorite! Those and the little merry-go-round things, when they're not making me sick!
You're so, so cute!
Aww... I love to swing too! I hope I will never feel that I am too old to do that, haha.
Quincy, I just wanted to tell you that I love the new layout of your blog and that sailor blouse :)
What a cute blog, I love this outfit!
How enchantingly sweet, honey! The mild, serene sunlight and playfulness of that darling frock add up to such inspiringly lovely images.
Wishing you a blissful Sunday!
♥ Jessica
your blog is so beautiful. xx
The swing photo makes me melt. Lovely set of photos and really brings back the days when I lived in parks like these...
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