A couple nights ago Jonny brought me home my first crinoline. How could I have gone this long without one?! I makes getting dressed even more fun! I think I'll stay forever poofy, hehe.
Well, I'm off to have a lazy day reading and maybe I'll catch up on some sewing. I hope you all have a wonderful day where ever you are or what ever you're doing!
What a beautiful crinoline Quincy! I've been thinking about purchasing one. I love the effect it gives your dress (and the happy shots). Have a perfectly happy lazy day.
I absolutely adore these photos, I'm so glad I found your blog! Also, there's quite a lot of snow on the ground where I am right now, so I'm pretty jealous of how warm it looks by you! xx Rachel
I LOVE the crinoline! I just got my first one last month! :)
Regarding the fasting, I actually feel better when I jsut have water and no blended juices. For some reason, I feel like my blood sugar is super sensitive to the sugar in fruit when I don't have anything else in my stomach!
When you you and your husband moving to Nashville?!
So, so cute!!! Aren't crinolines the most fun to wear? I wore my favorite (and now sadly tattered) for pretty much a solid 6 months with just about every outfit. I was in love. hehe!
Hello! My name is Quincy and I live in Nashville, TN with my wonderful hubby Jonny. Parents to little Hazel Shirley. Our first baby is a year old basset hound named Loretta Lynn. I have a vintage inspired handmade clothing line that I'm currently selling on Etsy. Here you'll see inspirations, outfits that I wear, movies that I like and dresses that I make. I hope you enjoy your stay!
cute cute cute! I think you have just enough poof without being over-poofed, haha.
perfect amount of poof! just love how happy you look in these wonderful pics!
such a lovely look!
What a lovely crinoline! I've been looking for the perfect one, but no luck so far :(
What a beautiful crinoline Quincy! I've been thinking about purchasing one. I love the effect it gives your dress (and the happy shots). Have a perfectly happy lazy day.
You always take the cutest action shots!! Adore the plaid and petticoat!
Lulu Letty
forever adorable! my work sells crinolines, im totally going to get one, i just have to find the perfect 50s dress for it!
I really want a crinoline! x
I cannot live without a crinoline under my puffy skirts, it's simply great!
Cute! I need to find myself a crinoline.
Fabulous boots! What a thoughtful gift - a crinoline! Love the girly, floofy look!
That is too cute! Everytime I think of crinoline, I think of my days in musicals because we almost always wore them on stage under dressed.
Once again, adorable! Don't you love how crinoline can make every outfit so different!?
I absolutely adore these photos, I'm so glad I found your blog! Also, there's quite a lot of snow on the ground where I am right now, so I'm pretty jealous of how warm it looks by you!
xx Rachel
It looks great! Boy are these photos sweet :-)
I love the crinonline look! I just got rid of a tutu I used to wear under skirts to make them puffy :) I think a crinoline would be a step up!
That crinoline is amazing!
Nice photos, and cute look!
Sweet look with that crinoline. It really adds something to the outfit.
i am always so impressed with how you wear masculine boots with such ease!
Aw, cute! :D I've always wanted one of these! Poofiness is always fun!
I just love this outfit, and I just love that dress!!! :D
You look so cute and happy! ^-^
I LOVE the crinoline! I just got my first one last month! :)
Regarding the fasting, I actually feel better when I jsut have water and no blended juices. For some reason, I feel like my blood sugar is super sensitive to the sugar in fruit when I don't have anything else in my stomach!
When you you and your husband moving to Nashville?!
So, so cute!!! Aren't crinolines the most fun to wear? I wore my favorite (and now sadly tattered) for pretty much a solid 6 months with just about every outfit. I was in love. hehe!
♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com
Love the jumping pic! You look so sweet!
I love it! :) I have a shorter crinoline but I love the length and puffiness level of this one.
Hooray, crinoline! Fantastic!
you have an infectious joy. and how brilliant that he bought you an A-lined one instead of the poofy ones!
These photos are soo cute.... love your blog!
such beautiful photos, love the whole look! great blog :)
just love how happy you look in these wonderful pics
ladies lingerie
Och, these are absolutely beautiful. It makes me want to go out and frolic :)
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